Saturday, November 29, 2008

Barbara's Concert

Barbara, a friend here, has been a member of this chorus for about 20 years. She is standing on the far left. Their show was wonderful; almost SRO. The songs were all in Japanese. Click on the photo for close-up view.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Celebration of Confucianism at Ashikaga Gakko

Confucianism is celebrated at five locations in Japan, in November. One of these locations is at the Ashikaga school(oldest continuously running school in Japan), next town over from Ota. The school has a shrine and a library on the grounds. The ceremony of remembrance takes place by the 700 year-old wooden statue of Confucius (a treasured relic, not an idol) and is televised. Two priests and a score of city officials participate. Enclosed are some pictures during and after the ceremony and a 4 second video of the recessional.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

7,5 & 3 Year Olds' Day

Our friend suggested we go see the annual flower show held on the public space at the temple grounds. The mums are competing for prizes as single four-foot tall stems, bonsai-ed stems, cascading and weeping stems==a full year's growth and training. We thought we would view the flower show, but it was upstaged by the children. During the month of November, children the ages of 7, 5 and 3 are brought to the temple for their special blessing. Click on the collages to see details.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

The Official and Hidden Story of Gennai and the Battle of the Frogs

[Bunkamura-Shibuya, Tokyo.]
Based on an autobiography, Gennai Hiraga is portrayed as a two-sided figure (split personality?) and playwright Inoue Hisashi refers to the two sides as "face" and "back." (Two different actors play the two parts.) Gennai's struggle is between his genius (channeled into his life as a doctor, an artist, inventor of the elekitel, and of "catch copy" in advertising; among many other achievements) and his more sinister side (selfish, dark, insensitive, and hedonistic). The play begins when Gennai is favored by a Daimyo lord(Edo Period) to keep company with his son of the same age of 18. Eventually, Gennai goes on to study at a university in Nagasake, the major entry port for the import/export industry, rife with foreign influences (mainly Dutch at that time), both positive and negative. Gennai's success and positive contributions are also hindered by his former childhood playmate, the Daimyo's son. The play was staged beautifully in 22 scenes changed rapidly by "stage hands" in all black clothing and black hoods under low lighting. The general atmosphere was tongue-in-check, and even the raunchy scenes were too kitschy(deliberately) to be offensive...and there was something for everyone. After more than 4 hours, including a 20 minute intermission, the story ends tragically. The photos are of the playbill and of the stage upon audience arrival where several of the actors were dressing in the dressing room at stage back. Then for the story, a backdrop concealed the dressing room, with a full floor to ceiling/stage left to stage right, smoky tinted MIRROR--a fabulous effect.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Noriko and Kyl's Real Costumes

It took me awhile to get this photo adjusted, but here is a good look at both Noriko and Kyl's costumes. Kyl's friend had this made especially for him years ago in China. Brocade and other beautiful details. He made the hat himself just for the party.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Kyl's Costume Party

Kyl organized and executed a fun Halloween dinner party. The food was named after various creatures not so appetizing in words but delicious. Prizes were awarded and Pictionary enjoyed in 2 languages. The pictures tell the rest.
